RFID Integrated Library Management Solutions

True Tech Solutions Offers a complete Library Information Systems include Integrated Library Management System, Library RFID System, Digital Library System, Access Control System, Digital Signage system, Reading Logs System and so on…

We always listen to the librarian on what they needs and provide strategic guidance on planning of RFID and security solutions. We help libraries build capabilities and plan for RFID and security solutions that are more meaningful, usable and scalable.

Our Solutions

Key Components

  • RFID Tags for books
  • RFID Gates for EAS
  • Access Control System
  • Self Check-in & Check-out
  • Staff Station Units
  • Smart Book Drop
  • Shelf & Inventory Management
  • Patron Card Production System
  • Catalogue & Circulation
  • Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
  • Series & Acquisition
  • Message Delivery
  • Digital file Management

RFID for Libraries Benefits

  • Single technology for identification and anti theft management of the library.
  • Alert immediately if someone tries to take our un-borrowed boobs and items.
  • Students can issue and return books by themselves
  • Able to return books in off hours
  • Provide Value Added Customer Service instead of manual daily routine
  • Speeds up book check-out / check-in & Frees staff to better service to patrons
  • No more book handling: just pass the reader across shelved books to perform an instant inventory.
  • Easily manage library catalogue, circulation, memberships, inventory and access OPAC

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